In one hour it's Bryan and I's five month.
It doesn't feel like either.
I wish there was snow on the ground. I had a really crappy experience with gift giving tonight. I'm not too positive on this whole Christmas thing. And I'm bitter about how society is making Christmas. If this holiday was actually what it is supposed to be, then I wouldn't have a problem. I don't need snow to celebrate Jesus. I don't need my brother to like a book to celebrate my faith. I'm quite sick of "atheists" celebrating Christmas. I'm so cynical. But I don't celebrate Hannukah, so why celebrate something you claim to not believe in. I'm sorry, but it's still not about gifts. Clark and I were talking about the way Christianity impacts the way you feel about Christmas. I couldn't think of a single tangible thing I wanted for Christmas. For anyone. I'm sorry that I angered SO many people by my indeciciveness. But what it comes down to is that I don't need or want anything. Anything tangible that is. I want crap like world peace, and happiness, and Rosefield Rivals to stay together. What really ticks me off is when I asked my dad to make a donation to TWLOHA instead he neglected to do it and asked if I wanted a Nintendo Wii instead. NO I DO NOT WANT VIDEO GAMES. I WANT MY FRIENDS AND PEOPLE LIKE MY FRIENDS TO STOP MUTILATING THEMSELVES. I'm sorry if that's too much to ask. I'd rather he spend the $300 dollars or whatever on people who need it. Somebody explain to me why Santa Claus is more important than Jesus.
And July 25th sounds like a long time ago, but it doesn't feel like it. All I know is Bryan is dumb for putting up with me for this long. Actually he's not dumb for it, but great for it. And he watched Pride and Prejudice with me tonight. My mom bought me a new milkshake maker. About a month ago Bryan tried to make a milkshake in our old one and ended up almost swallowing a spring. HA.
Well, tomorrow is going to be busy busy busy.