These are my girls. I have so much history with both of them. Good, and plenty of bad. We hated each other a few months back. Forget that. We grew up, got over it, and now everything is back to the way it should be. Yesterday we took a road trip to Ames. It was quite possibly the weirdest evening of the past few months. Between boys, Dave Matthews Band, and Facebook notes, there was plenty of conflict. I don't understand how we always pick the wrong boys. Whether it be that they are just plain stupid, or that there is just no possible way we could ever date them, due to circumstances beyond our control. And how we always have to have at least one major let down each. I don't get it. We are cute girls. We are catty and sassy, and have eye conversations, but other than that, we're nice kids.

Look at this girl. We get called twins by almost every new person we meet. We both have a Jewish nose, and a love for vegetarianism. I think she deserves the best of the best. So suck on that.

I love her no matter what. She can be cute and sweet, or bitchy and harsh. AND ITS AWESOME. She never realizes when she is so blatantly obvious about her emotions, and its always a good time to point them out. That little fight we had a few months ago, hilarious.
I love them.