I'm finally starting to understand the power of travel, and the power of leaving things behind. This weekend I headed up to Minnesota with some of my best friends for the weekend. Saturday was travel and After The Burial, Sunday was Mall of America, ATA show, and new year's eve! Shopping, shows and fresh starts. Three of my favorite things. But I don't think it was all of the stuff we did that made it so fun. I think it was more what we didn't do. I didn't have to fight with my parents. I didn't have to fight with high school girls. I didn't have to clean my room. I didn't have to deal with anything. I was in a great mood the entire weekend, and I'm not exaggerating. I needed to get out of Iowa so badly. I take little things and build them up to be so horrible. And I had plenty of little things going on. Hah. I had more fun this weekend than I have in a long time. But I could have shopped here, I've seen After The Burial in Iowa. Maybe it was because I didn't know many people at the mall, at the show. There weren't people I was avoiding. I didn't have to worry about people. There. I didn't have to put up with anyone except for the people who I was with. Which for the most part are my only real friends. It was so fun looking at the kids at the shows and realizing "scene kids" are the same everywhere. I saw girls checking out the asian that looked exactly like the ones who check him out here. Yeah. And I got to do whatever I wanted to at the ATA show. I remember seeing girls here that I don't recognize and wishing I could just go into a show and people would have to accept how I dress, how I act, who I'm friends with. I kind of did that. I wore frickin mukluks (something like those. only all woven and no fur!). It was great to be in a new setting for the first day of the year. I started the year off with my boyfriend, who is my favorite person ever, and my best friends. I came back with a clear mind and frankly, I don't care about people. The people who matter to me, matter to me. And I'm finally at peace with that. I also got a bunch of cute clothes no one else will have here. Yay!
That my friends, is why people take vacations.
Check this for videos. there will be a ton
Hahaha, PS: I'm wearing my Hush Sound shirt that Bryan ended up wearing for two days and playing a show in...
ahhhhhhhhhhhh vacation...hahahah!