first and foremost, don't tell me that Jude Law isn't THE most attractive man above the age of 18. I didn't really care when the old guy walked up the stairs, but as soon as Jude started crying, I lost it. I don't know whats so attractive about that British boy shedding a tear or 500, but it was intense. Sure, it could have been the reason he was crying, in fact I'm sure that's why, but I wasn't thinking that much at the time. The character he played was utterly charming and romantic and a great guy to say the least. I want to move to England for Judeeeeeeeeee. PS: he was named after "hey jude". EVEN BETTER.

second, this is Surrey. It's where The Holiday is set in. Honestly the cutest looking town ever. I didn't know places like this existed still, especially in an English speaking country. You know, the forefathers of our country stole ideas and tea from the Brits, but they should have stolen architecture plans as well. Also, the accent and shopping. I don't know what it is about the dreary UK with too much rain, and people with bad teeth, but I have such an urge to go. To London, to Surrey, to Jude Law...haaaaah!
So yeah, the two cutest things in the world in one movie. I kept hoping that whenever music would play it would be Justin Timberlake, because that would be so ironically funny. Man.
Then today, I watched six episodes of Pete and Pete. Danny Tamberelli is the cutest kid ever. Well, was I guess.

Little Pete was always my favorite. I love how chubby he is and how frickin funny he is. "BITE MY NECK HAIR" or getting people to pay to hit golf balls at his brother, he's always got something to say.
this site has the theme song, Hey Sandy, and listen to Summerbaby. Summerbaby is the song Little Pete gets mesmerized with in the first season. The one he starts a band for and can't remember for the life of him. Gah, Little Pete, you slay me!