Tuesday, January 02, 2007

"a laundry list of problems doesn't make you interesting."

When i'm at home i'm incredibly lonely. Its a depressing place to be. But today, i found a solution. Bryan and i were at best buy today and i got the brilliant idea to get some fish. So we walked over to petco and picked me out two goldfish. they are orange like pete and pete's hair. therefor, they were named. pete, little pete, bryan and i headed over to the adoption center, aka the checkout. i pulled out a quarter, and with that, i was in ownership of two great friends. three if you include bryan, but this story isn't about him. pete and little pete accompanied us to jimmy john's. bryan wanted to freeze one of my new best friends and then see if he was alive. i told him no way you can't kill my best friends. i had to leave them in the car at target, but once i got home we hung out. i told my fish my problems and they demonstrated the advice i need. ignore it! haha get it? well. bryan says my fish won't last more then a week, but what does he know. i love my fishes and they love me. i personally think bryan is just jealous. who gets jealous of fish? ah. it feels great to introduce my new best friends to everyone. long live pete and little pete!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

when you get tired of owning bryan, i'll give you a quarter for him.