Monday, November 05, 2007

My pen is the barrel of the gun.

There are very few things that mean as much to me as writing does. I have so many struggles with it. But it all comes down to my burning passion for writing. I love writing, cutesy love letters, pissed off rants, persuasive speeches, you name it. I have a 4000+ word paper due at the end of December and I'm killing myself over it. I'm seriously having such a hard time because I know I'm going to kill myself if it isn't perfect. Twenty+ pages, and I will make it shine. My topic: genocide in East Africa. That alone is getting me down. I don't sleep, between stressing about solutions, and stressing about homework. I want to go to Africa again. I just want to make a difference, and this paper is pulling at my emotions so hard already. I'm reading a book about a guy's experience in Darfur. The preface alone made me want to cry. He met a woman who's sister had died in the rebel war, and she had her niece and nephew. The one year old had a bullet wound in her back, and although the author gave the paramedics her name specifically, his one regret to this day is not taking that little girl with him. I really wish I didn't take English classes and writing so seriously all the time.


Anonymous said...

ICA takes papers seriously!!!

It really is quite horrible, we're talking about that same thing in political science (my new major). Hope it doesn't bring you down more than it needs to, and makes you feel grateful for what you've got!

Emily said...

Oh Linds, I'm so glad you and I share such a burning passion for writing. I honestly feel better knowing I'm not the only crazy insomniac writer out there.... I love you so much

Anonymous said...

pop punk?