Sunday, June 15, 2008

Turn that beat up

My two favorite things. Ames in the summer, and Ames on a Sunday morning. Sunday morning Ames is recovery time. Barely anyone is on the road, and are usually sleeping in. Summer in Ames is half-full, at that. So, on literally zero minutes of sleep, after pedaling back at 7:15 this morning, I turned around and took a ride through campus at 7:30 am. I just went down to Lake LaVerne and rode around that once. It was cold out, but not too cold. I passed two people on the entire trip, and it was a wonderful feeling. I love this city for what it is. I love the weather lately, and the shape I'm getting in. I like being able to ride anywhere in Ames in about 10 minutes, and actually getting a tan. I like parties, and no curfew, and working enough to make bank, but not enough to burn out. I like tights and bandanas and v-neck t-shirts. I love summer. I love Ames. I love old friends. I love love love new friends. I am so content.

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