So you should know Saddam Hussein got executed today. If you don't, I'm sorry. Actually, I didn't find out until about five minutes ago, which technically makes it at 12:09 and yesterday's news. Oh snap!
But it makes me think. This horrible person who had ruined a country, ruined so many lives is dead. And it makes headlines. Yet a person who has suffered through years of living on the streets and eating every three days would most likely not even be missed. Death is death. But is this fair? There's so much controversy over death penalties. Most people would agree Saddam is a horrible person. The way I see things, he's going to suffer a lot more sitting in prison until he dies. He basically gets off the hook this way. If you want to use death to punish him, why not kill his family and loved ones in front of him. Why not make him kill his dog or pour milk in his fish's bowl. Assuming he has a dog and a fish. When it's suicide, death is the easy way out. Well heck, if I were Saddam I'd MUCH rather be hanged than behind bars. I just don't understand why our government and society haven't grown out of "eye for an eye". Its so outdated I think. Ideally, it's great, but when there are people like Saddam Hussein getting to leave this world, and his punishment, compared to people who rob a bank and sit in jail to rot (okay so you'd have to do something more serious... whatever) doesn't seem fair anymore. But what I don't understand, if a man molests a child, is his punishment by "eye for eye" letting the father of the child molest his kid? I'm pretty sure no one would agree to that...
This is completely my opinion, but I know there are probably a million things to counterprove this. Its just common sense to me. But I guess most people's common sense is still death for death.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Friday, December 29, 2006
"this one ain't comin down lit folks"
The title of my blog signifies probably the stupidest thing I've ever said
Here it is on film
it's a short docudrama Kat and I made.
I heard that if you light a corner of a napkin on fire and throw it, it will all be burnt by the time it hits the ground.
Here it is on film
it's a short docudrama Kat and I made.
I heard that if you light a corner of a napkin on fire and throw it, it will all be burnt by the time it hits the ground.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
tell all the english boys you meet
Yesterday I saw The Holiday, and I haven't cried that much at a movie in forever.

first and foremost, don't tell me that Jude Law isn't THE most attractive man above the age of 18. I didn't really care when the old guy walked up the stairs, but as soon as Jude started crying, I lost it. I don't know whats so attractive about that British boy shedding a tear or 500, but it was intense. Sure, it could have been the reason he was crying, in fact I'm sure that's why, but I wasn't thinking that much at the time. The character he played was utterly charming and romantic and a great guy to say the least. I want to move to England for Judeeeeeeeeee. PS: he was named after "hey jude". EVEN BETTER.

second, this is Surrey. It's where The Holiday is set in. Honestly the cutest looking town ever. I didn't know places like this existed still, especially in an English speaking country. You know, the forefathers of our country stole ideas and tea from the Brits, but they should have stolen architecture plans as well. Also, the accent and shopping. I don't know what it is about the dreary UK with too much rain, and people with bad teeth, but I have such an urge to go. To London, to Surrey, to Jude Law...haaaaah!
So yeah, the two cutest things in the world in one movie. I kept hoping that whenever music would play it would be Justin Timberlake, because that would be so ironically funny. Man.
Then today, I watched six episodes of Pete and Pete. Danny Tamberelli is the cutest kid ever. Well, was I guess.

Little Pete was always my favorite. I love how chubby he is and how frickin funny he is. "BITE MY NECK HAIR" or getting people to pay to hit golf balls at his brother, he's always got something to say.
this site has the theme song, Hey Sandy, and listen to Summerbaby. Summerbaby is the song Little Pete gets mesmerized with in the first season. The one he starts a band for and can't remember for the life of him. Gah, Little Pete, you slay me!

first and foremost, don't tell me that Jude Law isn't THE most attractive man above the age of 18. I didn't really care when the old guy walked up the stairs, but as soon as Jude started crying, I lost it. I don't know whats so attractive about that British boy shedding a tear or 500, but it was intense. Sure, it could have been the reason he was crying, in fact I'm sure that's why, but I wasn't thinking that much at the time. The character he played was utterly charming and romantic and a great guy to say the least. I want to move to England for Judeeeeeeeeee. PS: he was named after "hey jude". EVEN BETTER.

second, this is Surrey. It's where The Holiday is set in. Honestly the cutest looking town ever. I didn't know places like this existed still, especially in an English speaking country. You know, the forefathers of our country stole ideas and tea from the Brits, but they should have stolen architecture plans as well. Also, the accent and shopping. I don't know what it is about the dreary UK with too much rain, and people with bad teeth, but I have such an urge to go. To London, to Surrey, to Jude Law...haaaaah!
So yeah, the two cutest things in the world in one movie. I kept hoping that whenever music would play it would be Justin Timberlake, because that would be so ironically funny. Man.
Then today, I watched six episodes of Pete and Pete. Danny Tamberelli is the cutest kid ever. Well, was I guess.

Little Pete was always my favorite. I love how chubby he is and how frickin funny he is. "BITE MY NECK HAIR" or getting people to pay to hit golf balls at his brother, he's always got something to say.
this site has the theme song, Hey Sandy, and listen to Summerbaby. Summerbaby is the song Little Pete gets mesmerized with in the first season. The one he starts a band for and can't remember for the life of him. Gah, Little Pete, you slay me!
Monday, December 25, 2006
But now I don't care I could go anywhere with you and I'd probably be happy.
Today was not only the best Christmas of my life but the best day of my life as well.
I got a first edition Charles Bukowski book. 1979. Smells old and everything. My favorite Buk book. The first one I ever read. The book that got me into beat poets.
But in the end, it's the thought and effort behind the book that gets me.
You know what I'm sayin, yo!?
I got a first edition Charles Bukowski book. 1979. Smells old and everything. My favorite Buk book. The first one I ever read. The book that got me into beat poets.
But in the end, it's the thought and effort behind the book that gets me.
You know what I'm sayin, yo!?
Sunday, December 24, 2006
can't let, another life slip through our hands.
In a half hour it's Christmas.
In one hour it's Bryan and I's five month.
It doesn't feel like either.
I wish there was snow on the ground. I had a really crappy experience with gift giving tonight. I'm not too positive on this whole Christmas thing. And I'm bitter about how society is making Christmas. If this holiday was actually what it is supposed to be, then I wouldn't have a problem. I don't need snow to celebrate Jesus. I don't need my brother to like a book to celebrate my faith. I'm quite sick of "atheists" celebrating Christmas. I'm so cynical. But I don't celebrate Hannukah, so why celebrate something you claim to not believe in. I'm sorry, but it's still not about gifts. Clark and I were talking about the way Christianity impacts the way you feel about Christmas. I couldn't think of a single tangible thing I wanted for Christmas. For anyone. I'm sorry that I angered SO many people by my indeciciveness. But what it comes down to is that I don't need or want anything. Anything tangible that is. I want crap like world peace, and happiness, and Rosefield Rivals to stay together. What really ticks me off is when I asked my dad to make a donation to TWLOHA instead he neglected to do it and asked if I wanted a Nintendo Wii instead. NO I DO NOT WANT VIDEO GAMES. I WANT MY FRIENDS AND PEOPLE LIKE MY FRIENDS TO STOP MUTILATING THEMSELVES. I'm sorry if that's too much to ask. I'd rather he spend the $300 dollars or whatever on people who need it. Somebody explain to me why Santa Claus is more important than Jesus.
And July 25th sounds like a long time ago, but it doesn't feel like it. All I know is Bryan is dumb for putting up with me for this long. Actually he's not dumb for it, but great for it. And he watched Pride and Prejudice with me tonight. My mom bought me a new milkshake maker. About a month ago Bryan tried to make a milkshake in our old one and ended up almost swallowing a spring. HA.

Well, tomorrow is going to be busy busy busy.
In one hour it's Bryan and I's five month.
It doesn't feel like either.
I wish there was snow on the ground. I had a really crappy experience with gift giving tonight. I'm not too positive on this whole Christmas thing. And I'm bitter about how society is making Christmas. If this holiday was actually what it is supposed to be, then I wouldn't have a problem. I don't need snow to celebrate Jesus. I don't need my brother to like a book to celebrate my faith. I'm quite sick of "atheists" celebrating Christmas. I'm so cynical. But I don't celebrate Hannukah, so why celebrate something you claim to not believe in. I'm sorry, but it's still not about gifts. Clark and I were talking about the way Christianity impacts the way you feel about Christmas. I couldn't think of a single tangible thing I wanted for Christmas. For anyone. I'm sorry that I angered SO many people by my indeciciveness. But what it comes down to is that I don't need or want anything. Anything tangible that is. I want crap like world peace, and happiness, and Rosefield Rivals to stay together. What really ticks me off is when I asked my dad to make a donation to TWLOHA instead he neglected to do it and asked if I wanted a Nintendo Wii instead. NO I DO NOT WANT VIDEO GAMES. I WANT MY FRIENDS AND PEOPLE LIKE MY FRIENDS TO STOP MUTILATING THEMSELVES. I'm sorry if that's too much to ask. I'd rather he spend the $300 dollars or whatever on people who need it. Somebody explain to me why Santa Claus is more important than Jesus.
And July 25th sounds like a long time ago, but it doesn't feel like it. All I know is Bryan is dumb for putting up with me for this long. Actually he's not dumb for it, but great for it. And he watched Pride and Prejudice with me tonight. My mom bought me a new milkshake maker. About a month ago Bryan tried to make a milkshake in our old one and ended up almost swallowing a spring. HA.
Well, tomorrow is going to be busy busy busy.
I fear that I am a slippery slope
Tonight started off with some bad news. Old news, but bad news.
It went up from there. We got all dressed up and went to dinner. And I fell asleep on Emily's couch.
Tonight wins. hahaha.

I love emily!

and kayla!

and emily's room!

and bryan's haircut

and mitch's expressions

and my weird expressions

aaaaaaand looking stoned

and ducks!!!!!!!


and emily's room!

and emily with a mallard!
It went up from there. We got all dressed up and went to dinner. And I fell asleep on Emily's couch.
Tonight wins. hahaha.

I love emily!

and kayla!

and emily's room!

and bryan's haircut

and mitch's expressions

and my weird expressions

aaaaaaand looking stoned

and ducks!!!!!!!


and emily's room!

and emily with a mallard!
Saturday, December 23, 2006
awake! awake in the company of men given something to say
By the time you reach age sixteen, you most likely know anxiety. You can feel it, and it affects you. Maybe not often, maybe only once. At age sixteen I'm becoming a self-diagnosing hypochondriac. I have convinced myself that when I stress or worry, my anxiety kicks in. Maybe it does. But there has to be some underlying problem that triggers it. Here's the thing, I have zero to very minimal subconsciousness. I understand why I do things, and why other people do things. It kills me. I understand my anxiety is likely caused by needing attention, and by insecurity problems. It gets so bad that I have to go take a five minute break in the cold? Why? I am too passive aggressive for my own good. When I do things like that, I have two motives: to clear my head, and to get attention. Don't fall for it. Actually do. haaaaah. I don't like being that stupid about things, and I wish I could get it figured out. Maybe if I truly put my mind to believing that I'm fine I will be. If I can will my brain into problems, can I will them out?
I'm going to make a big stretch and say this is related to anxiety, which it kind of is.

To Write Love On Her Arms
This foundation is doing an amazing job at reaching out to the people who need help for this the most. They help with finding help for cutting and self mutilation. We all know "emo" kids are stereotyped as cutters, so why not create an organization that speaks directly to them. With Switchfoot, Bradley Hathaway, The Rocket Summer, Paramore, Underoath, and many others behind them and sporting gear, their word is spreading. Yes, it is a Christian organization, which is a big bonus for me, but they help anyone. They have "stop the bleeding" tours and profits from merch goes directly to helping kids. I don't usually get behind a foundation like I have with TWLOHA, but it's hard not to for me. Why do my best friends cut themselves? I don't have an answer for that, but I can help them. I can help others in the same situation as me, and as my friends. These are good people helping in the best way they know how. Through MySpace: emo kid hangout, through music: emo kid obsession, merch: emo kid novelty. Why not. It seems to be working pretty well. I'm behind them 100%. There's no reason you shouldn't either.
I'm going to make a big stretch and say this is related to anxiety, which it kind of is.

To Write Love On Her Arms
This foundation is doing an amazing job at reaching out to the people who need help for this the most. They help with finding help for cutting and self mutilation. We all know "emo" kids are stereotyped as cutters, so why not create an organization that speaks directly to them. With Switchfoot, Bradley Hathaway, The Rocket Summer, Paramore, Underoath, and many others behind them and sporting gear, their word is spreading. Yes, it is a Christian organization, which is a big bonus for me, but they help anyone. They have "stop the bleeding" tours and profits from merch goes directly to helping kids. I don't usually get behind a foundation like I have with TWLOHA, but it's hard not to for me. Why do my best friends cut themselves? I don't have an answer for that, but I can help them. I can help others in the same situation as me, and as my friends. These are good people helping in the best way they know how. Through MySpace: emo kid hangout, through music: emo kid obsession, merch: emo kid novelty. Why not. It seems to be working pretty well. I'm behind them 100%. There's no reason you shouldn't either.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Because things change and friends leave and time doesn't stop for anyone.
I've been thinking about the way friendships and humans change and evolve. We change so quickly. And we don't see it in ourselves until we're looking back.
Some friendship changes over the past few years:

For the ones of my friends and I, I didn't pick them by "losing best friends" or whatever. There are people in there who were never more than acquaintances. But it's drastic change anyway.
October thirty-first I wrote "My biggest goal appearance wise is to be one of those girls who ALWAYS looks good. I see girls who I think "ugh I wish I could be that cute. I could never pull that off though." Looks aren't everything. But no one wants to look in the mirror and think "gross! I look horrible. I'm ready for the day!" I should probably stop analyzing these things. Or else I'll end up shallow, bitchy and stupid."
I ended up not cute, but yeah, shallow and mean. How does one person become who they don't want to be in less than two months. I saw Brand New that night. I played Halo the first time. I got a new cell phone. What happened in those months that made me this different. Is it social things? Family problems? Relationship changes? Getting closer to God? (although I'd think that'd make me go the opposite way). Is it deleting my MySpace?
B.F. Skinner said if you gave him a baby and let him create their whole world, have no outside interactions or anything, he could make them into whatever he wants. But is that true? I strongly believe people are shaped by their beliefs and environment. But what about instincts, and the similarity of everything. I can quote The Perks Of Being A Wallflower right now. The part where he says "And I know if that person had gone to another school they would have gotten their heart broken by someone else. So why does it have to be so personal?" Even if I was taken out of Valley, I would still have the same struggles with social and academic pressures. Girls will be girls, US History will be US History. I don't mean to disqualify a psychologist's theories by quoting a fiction book, but times have changed Skinner. So if I wanted to change into a complete fashionista could I be put into a fashion company and would that make me "that person"? If I don't want to fight with friends could I be put somewhere that doesn't have MySpace and cliques? Would that even change anything.
So as much as I accept change, embrace it almost, I have to wonder about why it happens in the first place. I have some concept of reality I just can't see the whole picture. I wish I could take myself out of situations and observe. Change myself for the better. Would I be a different person if I spend two weeks out with friends, instead of two weeks asleep? Is change self motivated? Or is it subconscious. Is it shaped by your friends and family?
And why does it affect everyone so darn much?
Some friendship changes over the past few years:

For the ones of my friends and I, I didn't pick them by "losing best friends" or whatever. There are people in there who were never more than acquaintances. But it's drastic change anyway.
October thirty-first I wrote "My biggest goal appearance wise is to be one of those girls who ALWAYS looks good. I see girls who I think "ugh I wish I could be that cute. I could never pull that off though." Looks aren't everything. But no one wants to look in the mirror and think "gross! I look horrible. I'm ready for the day!" I should probably stop analyzing these things. Or else I'll end up shallow, bitchy and stupid."
I ended up not cute, but yeah, shallow and mean. How does one person become who they don't want to be in less than two months. I saw Brand New that night. I played Halo the first time. I got a new cell phone. What happened in those months that made me this different. Is it social things? Family problems? Relationship changes? Getting closer to God? (although I'd think that'd make me go the opposite way). Is it deleting my MySpace?
B.F. Skinner said if you gave him a baby and let him create their whole world, have no outside interactions or anything, he could make them into whatever he wants. But is that true? I strongly believe people are shaped by their beliefs and environment. But what about instincts, and the similarity of everything. I can quote The Perks Of Being A Wallflower right now. The part where he says "And I know if that person had gone to another school they would have gotten their heart broken by someone else. So why does it have to be so personal?" Even if I was taken out of Valley, I would still have the same struggles with social and academic pressures. Girls will be girls, US History will be US History. I don't mean to disqualify a psychologist's theories by quoting a fiction book, but times have changed Skinner. So if I wanted to change into a complete fashionista could I be put into a fashion company and would that make me "that person"? If I don't want to fight with friends could I be put somewhere that doesn't have MySpace and cliques? Would that even change anything.
So as much as I accept change, embrace it almost, I have to wonder about why it happens in the first place. I have some concept of reality I just can't see the whole picture. I wish I could take myself out of situations and observe. Change myself for the better. Would I be a different person if I spend two weeks out with friends, instead of two weeks asleep? Is change self motivated? Or is it subconscious. Is it shaped by your friends and family?
And why does it affect everyone so darn much?
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
this is the last time something a girl says is going to bother me.
i'm sick of it.
i'm sick of being made the bad person.
especially when i'm the one getting trashed.
that doesn't make sense. you're talking bad about me, but i'm in the wrong.
i'm sick of taking things out on bryan, and him having to cheer me up.
i'm sick of girls and their stupid mouths.
and i don't care what crap you say about me after you read this, Hillary and Maddie.
i am done with it.
so say whatever you want to whoever you want.
i can sleep at night knowing i don't get enjoyment from being mean.
i'm sick of it.
i'm sick of being made the bad person.
especially when i'm the one getting trashed.
that doesn't make sense. you're talking bad about me, but i'm in the wrong.
i'm sick of taking things out on bryan, and him having to cheer me up.
i'm sick of girls and their stupid mouths.
and i don't care what crap you say about me after you read this, Hillary and Maddie.
i am done with it.
so say whatever you want to whoever you want.
i can sleep at night knowing i don't get enjoyment from being mean.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Go to this place you go you don't see how much you mean to me
weekend recap:
Friday: grounded, stayed home watching girl movies
-The Devil Wears Prada
-Must Love Dogs
-Pride and Prejudice
-She's All That
I slept a lot and felt fabulous the next day
Saturday: I did more chores than humanly possible for a little bit of freedom. Bryan Zach and I went to Hy-Vee, got hot dogs and met up with (long list ahead!), Caely, Austin, Mitch, Kayla, Blake, Emily, Luke, Cole, JR over the night. They threw hot dogs at cars and went deer mounting. For as much of a "boys night" it was, it was super fun. I felt fabulous again and slept a lot then too.
Sunday: Bryan woke me up and said he was coming over. We hung out for about an hour and that was great as always. Slept a lot more and then went to the Christmas party for HSM. Fun times fun times. James and I sat there being slightly cynical and making fun of my boyfriend. Nothin new. Great time like always. Bry learned more about my messed up family history and I STILL feel fabulous.
I just don't know!
I'd like to thank chick flicks, sleep, my wonderful boyfriend, Bryce Avary, Kat Huppert, and the weekend for this mood.
Story of my life
Friday: grounded, stayed home watching girl movies
-The Devil Wears Prada
-Must Love Dogs
-Pride and Prejudice
-She's All That
I slept a lot and felt fabulous the next day
Saturday: I did more chores than humanly possible for a little bit of freedom. Bryan Zach and I went to Hy-Vee, got hot dogs and met up with (long list ahead!), Caely, Austin, Mitch, Kayla, Blake, Emily, Luke, Cole, JR over the night. They threw hot dogs at cars and went deer mounting. For as much of a "boys night" it was, it was super fun. I felt fabulous again and slept a lot then too.
Sunday: Bryan woke me up and said he was coming over. We hung out for about an hour and that was great as always. Slept a lot more and then went to the Christmas party for HSM. Fun times fun times. James and I sat there being slightly cynical and making fun of my boyfriend. Nothin new. Great time like always. Bry learned more about my messed up family history and I STILL feel fabulous.
I just don't know!
I'd like to thank chick flicks, sleep, my wonderful boyfriend, Bryce Avary, Kat Huppert, and the weekend for this mood.
Story of my life
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Days don't die down in December

Most of you 90's kids should remember her. Daria. She's the sarcastic high school girl I wish I was. I've recently aqcuired the first season of this show, and I have to say, I like it even more now. I thought she was "TOTALLY AWESOME" when I was younger, but now I actually have been through this stuff. I'd have to say, she's a pretty sweet chick and if you haven't seen the show, or seen it in some time, you should probably ask me for the DVD.
The mean thoughts and cheap shots, they will not weaken me
So it's a Saturday afternoon in December. I can hear Bryce Avary singing from upstairs. And there's no snow. 1/2 isn't bad.
I also wonder why I watched so many girl movies last night
and why pride and prejudice was so romantic.
I don't know why I keep getting grounded
or keep getting out of it
or why girls keep talkin smack.
I'm going out tonight*@^$*(!^!*(
And I'm also wondering how to spell vuluptuous and why I asked Kat if I am.
I'm not wondering why she said "NOT IN THE SLIGHTEST BIT IDIOT"
you win some you lose some
i'm losing my mind
what will i win!
I also wonder why I watched so many girl movies last night
and why pride and prejudice was so romantic.
I don't know why I keep getting grounded
or keep getting out of it
or why girls keep talkin smack.
I'm going out tonight*@^$*(!^!*(
And I'm also wondering how to spell vuluptuous and why I asked Kat if I am.
I'm not wondering why she said "NOT IN THE SLIGHTEST BIT IDIOT"
you win some you lose some
i'm losing my mind
what will i win!
Saturday, December 09, 2006
You take in everything with a certainty I envy.
So we all know those internet personality tests are hoaxes right? My step-grandma, who considers sending me chain emails to be a form of communication, sent me one that kind of weirded me out. It is allegedly based off of what the Dalai Lama says about personalities. I'm sure that once I saw the answer I was more prone to believe it, but I went into this with a pretty negative attitude toward it. For the most part, it actually was on track. Here's the link for anyone who's bored, or curious. If you take it you'll understand this part...for the answer for coffee, it put fake happiness. So what if it's two words, the way that turned out was hilarious.
I love pomegranates.
Just so you know...
I love pomegranates.
Just so you know...
Think about what you say before you run your mouth.
I really wish more girls had the reasoning boys do. When I think about the people I trust, most of them are male. I don't know what it is. I think it's the honesty I get, instead of the backstabbing. Or the way I have to be honest, instead of backstabbing. I have guy friends who are basically a slightly less emotional version of girls, I have guy friends who don't understand girl problems for the life of them. I have great people in my life that I talk to about anything and everything. Lately, when I'm upset about something, I tell only boys whats going on. Maybe one girl at most. I told a friend something and he really never knows what to say in those situations, and it helped. I didn't have to talk about it excessively. I could vent, and he just thought the same way I did. Or my best friend who I go to with 90% of my problems. He listens and helps me see the good in the situation. Reassures me on things I know somewhere in the back of my mind. Another one is just as much of an insomniac as I am, and when I text him at three in the morning saying "ugh" he'll let me vent. Friends. I tell them (not just those three) almost anything. The only person I tell more to is Bryan. And that's the epitome of a good guy friend. Bryan pisses a lot of girls off. But for me, I have more at stake, and so it's good that he's so brutally honest with me. I need that a lot. I'm sick of being a bad friend, and I'm sick of having bad friends. I just dislike being a girl sometimes.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
I've got friends who will help me pull through
I'm so ready for break it's not even funny. I need those days badly! But I've been in a great mood the past week or so, and that's awesome. I love being happy. The only thing weighing me down is a little family drama, okay, big family drama. Luckily I have my two favorite boys on my side. The man upstairs, God (NO NOT MY DAD. HAHA) and the man in waukee, bryan. And I've got my Matt and Amanda and Kat. Even Cody and Cliff listen to me all the time. I am super content right now with friendships. Except I think people are talking bad about me again. UGH.
My mom, not so much.
God and meatless nuggets, yes.
My mom, not so much.
God and meatless nuggets, yes.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
You say I choose sadness that it never once has chosen me. Maybe you're right...
I wonder if anyone else thinks as much as I do.
I'm in a great mood, don't get me wrong, but I seem to think a ridiculously unhealthy amount.
I'm in a great mood, don't get me wrong, but I seem to think a ridiculously unhealthy amount.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Let me help you and take you out of this lake you are clearly drowning in
Saturday, December 02, 2006
rest assured that with a heart that’s pure we’ll be victorious and not let our hate get the best of us.
I forgot how much I hate big shows.
I always feel so lonely. It's like the Valley effect. Kat snorted a line of sugar tonight at Perkins. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Stick To Your Guns was awesome. I like em a lot.
I wrote a good personal narrative today. It was cool.
I always feel so lonely. It's like the Valley effect. Kat snorted a line of sugar tonight at Perkins. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Stick To Your Guns was awesome. I like em a lot.
I wrote a good personal narrative today. It was cool.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
I've been jumping from the tops of buildings.
So today was pretty much the best day of my life. Hahah, not even kidding. I was in an amazing mood for some reason, and it never got bad. I think actually sleeping had a big impact on that. I feel refreshed in every sense of the word. School went by pretty quickly and painlessly. I'm incredibly excited to do this assignment for creative writing. I have to interpret a poem, and although I don't know how it's going to work, or what poem I'm going to do, I'm super stoked. And my friends seem to be happy, and I'm really happy when things go their way. One of my best friends is finally getting what she deserves, and it seriously makes me want to cry. It's a good thing, a good guy actually, who I approve of and really genuinely like. Aww yay. After school Amanda and Zack Beckman and I went to Valley West, and I tried on jeans. I think that was the highlight to my day prior to hanging out with Bryan. I really like American Eagle jeans the the sizing. hahahah. Whatever makes me feel better about myself right?
I get kind of weirded out by my mood swings, if you look at what I posted a couple days ago and then looked at this you'd probably diagnose me with Bi-Polar disorder, haha. Bryan and I went to The Prestige tonight and it was actually really good. It made me think, of course. And I had been thinking about something like it earlier as well. I think the biggest change I've noticed in myself over the past couple years is how I observe things. "It takes one to know one", I can instantly spot when people are doing things I've done now. I used to be so naive, but I notice people and their intentions now. I'm pretty proud of myself. Cool life Lindsey, this is common people skills.
It was so cold out tonight. Bry and I went to Starbucks and I swear, hot chocolate has never been better. It made me really excited for winter actually, which is really strange for me. But really, it's such a "cute" season. I didn't say that actually, Bryan did, just fyi. haha! But yeah, I'm pretty happy with today. And I'm pretty sure today was the best day of my life. So yeah! I think I'll go to sleep early tonight. But Bryan had like 3894728 shots (okay, two) shots of espresso so who knows how that will work out.
I get kind of weirded out by my mood swings, if you look at what I posted a couple days ago and then looked at this you'd probably diagnose me with Bi-Polar disorder, haha. Bryan and I went to The Prestige tonight and it was actually really good. It made me think, of course. And I had been thinking about something like it earlier as well. I think the biggest change I've noticed in myself over the past couple years is how I observe things. "It takes one to know one", I can instantly spot when people are doing things I've done now. I used to be so naive, but I notice people and their intentions now. I'm pretty proud of myself. Cool life Lindsey, this is common people skills.
It was so cold out tonight. Bry and I went to Starbucks and I swear, hot chocolate has never been better. It made me really excited for winter actually, which is really strange for me. But really, it's such a "cute" season. I didn't say that actually, Bryan did, just fyi. haha! But yeah, I'm pretty happy with today. And I'm pretty sure today was the best day of my life. So yeah! I think I'll go to sleep early tonight. But Bryan had like 3894728 shots (okay, two) shots of espresso so who knows how that will work out.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
And I try but I'm not convinced
All in all, today was fantastic.
Today= 12am-now.
After hearing about many relationships and cheaters and straight up "hoes" I came to the conclusion that I'm really lucky. Not that I didn't already know that. I got three hours of sleep, so I was in an adrenaline good mood. I had good jokes, I had a great time hanging out with Bryan, I did well on my AP Chem test, and my best friend's birthday is tomorrow.
I also found some amazing poems
thanks to Cody and Barnes & Noble.
Sorry if this isn't your thing. Whateva whateva!
When I Met My Muse
I glanced at her and took my glasses
off--they were still singing. They buzzed
like a locust on the coffee table and then
ceased. Her voice belled forth, and the
sunlight bent. I felt the ceiling arch, and
knew that nails up there took a new grip
on whatever they touched. "I am your own
way of looking at things," she said. "When
you allow me to live with you, every
glance at the world around you will be
a sort of salvation." And I took her hand.
-William Stafford
Hahah, I just think those are so cute. You might have to be female, or even be me to see the cuteness in the first one.
Today= 12am-now.
After hearing about many relationships and cheaters and straight up "hoes" I came to the conclusion that I'm really lucky. Not that I didn't already know that. I got three hours of sleep, so I was in an adrenaline good mood. I had good jokes, I had a great time hanging out with Bryan, I did well on my AP Chem test, and my best friend's birthday is tomorrow.
I also found some amazing poems
thanks to Cody and Barnes & Noble.
Sorry if this isn't your thing. Whateva whateva!
I am real Take a snapshot of me
He is real, shot
Reality is what has been
concealed from us for so long
birth sex death
we're alive when we laugh
when we can feel the
rush & spurt of blood
blood is real in its redness
the rainbow is real in absence of blood
When I Met My Muse
I glanced at her and took my glasses
off--they were still singing. They buzzed
like a locust on the coffee table and then
ceased. Her voice belled forth, and the
sunlight bent. I felt the ceiling arch, and
knew that nails up there took a new grip
on whatever they touched. "I am your own
way of looking at things," she said. "When
you allow me to live with you, every
glance at the world around you will be
a sort of salvation." And I took her hand.
-William Stafford
Hahah, I just think those are so cute. You might have to be female, or even be me to see the cuteness in the first one.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Staring at this mirror and I'm wondering who you are.
This is basically a compilation of things that describe me really well. Basically, if you don't really know me that well, you would be able to find out a lot more just through these things.
To Write Love On Her Arms
-This is pretty much the first organization I've connected with. With all of the "emo" trends surrounding me I know this thing well. I've had many good friends who have struggled with self mutilation, and I understand the toll it takes on them and everyone around them. I'm lucky enough to never let it get to that point, but so many other people have. It's also a Christian organization, but they are so focused on helping others I think that has a very small part in it. Many of my favorite artists are supporting this organization, and I think it's great that because of them more people will find help. I'd encourage everyone to check it out, because most likely you know/know of someone who has done the same thing.

-Photography. I wish I had more time and ambition to pursue it. It's actually an art form I somewhat enjoy. I don't claim to be good at it at all, I know I'm probably far from that, but I love being able to look back at things and feel good about them. I like the feeling of taking a hundred pictures to get one that I think is decent. I am considering focusing more on this, and I hope something comes out of it.
The Rocket Summer
-Basically my everything. This man has changed my ideas on everything. I'm sure people get sick of me talking about TRS, but good music is hard to come by. The person he comes off to be is basically who I aspire to be and if you think I'm crazy then I ask you to read this.
Techno Dance
-Hahaha. I guess my personality comes out a lot through this video. My friends and I are obviously really cool, but this basically shows that I'm not always so serious and down on myself.

-These books have changed my opinion on literature a lot. Chbosky and Bukowski both write so honestly that I feel like exaggerating would be a crime. I'm sure Bukowski twisted things around to make himself look better, but he still doesn't come off as a very good person at all. But humans make mistakes.
Forever 21
-People tend to say this store reminds them of me. I hope that's a good thing. I love clothes and outfits. I secretly love it when people say "whoah I like that but I could never pull it off." haha. I do what I want I do what I want!
To Write Love On Her Arms
-This is pretty much the first organization I've connected with. With all of the "emo" trends surrounding me I know this thing well. I've had many good friends who have struggled with self mutilation, and I understand the toll it takes on them and everyone around them. I'm lucky enough to never let it get to that point, but so many other people have. It's also a Christian organization, but they are so focused on helping others I think that has a very small part in it. Many of my favorite artists are supporting this organization, and I think it's great that because of them more people will find help. I'd encourage everyone to check it out, because most likely you know/know of someone who has done the same thing.

-Photography. I wish I had more time and ambition to pursue it. It's actually an art form I somewhat enjoy. I don't claim to be good at it at all, I know I'm probably far from that, but I love being able to look back at things and feel good about them. I like the feeling of taking a hundred pictures to get one that I think is decent. I am considering focusing more on this, and I hope something comes out of it.
The Rocket Summer
-Basically my everything. This man has changed my ideas on everything. I'm sure people get sick of me talking about TRS, but good music is hard to come by. The person he comes off to be is basically who I aspire to be and if you think I'm crazy then I ask you to read this.
Techno Dance
-Hahaha. I guess my personality comes out a lot through this video. My friends and I are obviously really cool, but this basically shows that I'm not always so serious and down on myself.

-These books have changed my opinion on literature a lot. Chbosky and Bukowski both write so honestly that I feel like exaggerating would be a crime. I'm sure Bukowski twisted things around to make himself look better, but he still doesn't come off as a very good person at all. But humans make mistakes.
Forever 21
-People tend to say this store reminds them of me. I hope that's a good thing. I love clothes and outfits. I secretly love it when people say "whoah I like that but I could never pull it off." haha. I do what I want I do what I want!
Monday, November 27, 2006
Cause this problem's gonna last more than the weekend.
I guess I need this blog thing. I write on my own, but sometimes I just need to share it, tell everyone. LiveJournal and Facebook just aren't cutting it, sorry. I think I get things so twisted around in my head they don't ever come out right. I told Bryan I think I have anxiety problems, and that I'm a hypochondriac. Ha, pretty much. I obviously could sleep if I wanted to. I just choose to blame it on anxiousness. Today was slightly rough, I really hate going back to school after a break. It was a good day and all, but I had realized how much school brings me down. Over this break I realized the most important people to me. The people who are there for me, and have been. I'm really sorry if you feel left out or whatever, that isn't my intention. But at this point I need my real friends.
First and foremost is God.
"The Lord is my light and my salvation- whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life- of whom shall I be afraid? When evil men advance against me to devour my flesh, when my enemies and my foes attack me, they will stumble and fall. Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then will I be confident."
-Psalm 27
That pretty much sums it up. The dependency and comfort I've always, and always will need. Honestly, who could ask for more. If you have a relationship with God I think you know what I mean, and if you don't you're not going to through a blog. hahah.
Of all people I'm going to name, I've known Bryan the shortest amount of time. But throughout the summer, and over these past four months (yes I know it seems like longer. haha) I've figured a lot of things out. I can honestly say I trust him with anything. And although he doesn't always understand my point of view, I never feel dumb for saying it. Unless I knew from the get-go it was dumb. As much as people hate Bryan's brutal honesty, it is something I really needed. I don't need liars and fake friends in my life. I'll never be emotionally stable for that. I don't really need to go into detail about how happy I am and stuff, so I won't.
I've started to learn what types of people I get along with. It all comes down to: mainly boys. Really. Take Matt Gardiner for example. I've known him for almost two years now and he's still my best friend. The only person I tell more to is Bryan. Matt is the kind of friend you spend days and days and days discussing the things no one else will talk about you with. Confused? We basically talk about Bryan and Kallsy 24/7. No one else wants to hear us go on and on and on about them. I'm really glad to have someone that is so brotherlike to me and now that we're at the school it's nonstop BFF time.
As far as female friends go, meh.
Amanda Russell is basically the girl version of Matt. She listens to me complain for hours and hours and hours. And never tells me to shut up. For that I think she is slightly stupid, but I appreciate it a lot. Another person I trust completely. She's pretty much one of the nicest people you'll ever meet. We basically clicked instantly because we're both dumb. We realize we're stupid, so this isn't mean at all. We're pretty frickin stupid. haha.
Kat Huppert is one of those people you take for granted. I hate that. I didn't realize what value good friends had until very recently. I'm glad she didn't give up on me. I won't ever give up on her. Bryan's brutal honesty has helped a lot with me straight up telling her what I think is best for her. It may suck to hear, but she doesn't ever get mad, and I know I'm doing the right thing by looking out for her. If you say one word about this girl I'll kick you in the face. I swear.
Actually, the person I've known the shortest is Kayla Lewis. We spent all summer together, mainly because of Mitch and Bryan. It was great having another girl there to complain about stupid boy stuff with. We seriously can stay up until 6 in the morning catching up. And we do. She's pretty much my life and I'm super happy she's transferring back to Des Moines. I also wanted to be her lipring for halloween. :)
And the gayest person I've ever met is probably Genya Tolmatsky. We basically hated eachother until 9th grade. I've known her longer than anyone I'm still friends with. Apparently we look a lot alike, which I'm starting to realize is a good thing. Because then I can talk to someone who knows exactly what it feels like to be insecure over certain things. Hahah. We get ourselves into stupid situations and we play badmitton like champs. She lets me sing "Hava Nagila" whenever because I'm awesome.
I guess if you're not really close to me you won't understand all of these. Probably if you're not one of them you won't. I'm not saying I don't appreciate all my other friends, honestly there are a lot of people who mean a lot to me. But there aren't many who have stood the test of time and highschool. These people mean the world to me, without them I'd be nowhere. They're all so different, some of them have never even met eachother, but what it comes down to is that they're great people. I've never had people who look out for me like they do.
Okay, I seriously am sleep deficient, so I'm going to attempt rest.
Galatians + bed + rain = hopefullysleeping haha
First and foremost is God.
"The Lord is my light and my salvation- whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life- of whom shall I be afraid? When evil men advance against me to devour my flesh, when my enemies and my foes attack me, they will stumble and fall. Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then will I be confident."
-Psalm 27
That pretty much sums it up. The dependency and comfort I've always, and always will need. Honestly, who could ask for more. If you have a relationship with God I think you know what I mean, and if you don't you're not going to through a blog. hahah.
Of all people I'm going to name, I've known Bryan the shortest amount of time. But throughout the summer, and over these past four months (yes I know it seems like longer. haha) I've figured a lot of things out. I can honestly say I trust him with anything. And although he doesn't always understand my point of view, I never feel dumb for saying it. Unless I knew from the get-go it was dumb. As much as people hate Bryan's brutal honesty, it is something I really needed. I don't need liars and fake friends in my life. I'll never be emotionally stable for that. I don't really need to go into detail about how happy I am and stuff, so I won't.
I've started to learn what types of people I get along with. It all comes down to: mainly boys. Really. Take Matt Gardiner for example. I've known him for almost two years now and he's still my best friend. The only person I tell more to is Bryan. Matt is the kind of friend you spend days and days and days discussing the things no one else will talk about you with. Confused? We basically talk about Bryan and Kallsy 24/7. No one else wants to hear us go on and on and on about them. I'm really glad to have someone that is so brotherlike to me and now that we're at the school it's nonstop BFF time.
As far as female friends go, meh.
Amanda Russell is basically the girl version of Matt. She listens to me complain for hours and hours and hours. And never tells me to shut up. For that I think she is slightly stupid, but I appreciate it a lot. Another person I trust completely. She's pretty much one of the nicest people you'll ever meet. We basically clicked instantly because we're both dumb. We realize we're stupid, so this isn't mean at all. We're pretty frickin stupid. haha.
Kat Huppert is one of those people you take for granted. I hate that. I didn't realize what value good friends had until very recently. I'm glad she didn't give up on me. I won't ever give up on her. Bryan's brutal honesty has helped a lot with me straight up telling her what I think is best for her. It may suck to hear, but she doesn't ever get mad, and I know I'm doing the right thing by looking out for her. If you say one word about this girl I'll kick you in the face. I swear.
Actually, the person I've known the shortest is Kayla Lewis. We spent all summer together, mainly because of Mitch and Bryan. It was great having another girl there to complain about stupid boy stuff with. We seriously can stay up until 6 in the morning catching up. And we do. She's pretty much my life and I'm super happy she's transferring back to Des Moines. I also wanted to be her lipring for halloween. :)
And the gayest person I've ever met is probably Genya Tolmatsky. We basically hated eachother until 9th grade. I've known her longer than anyone I'm still friends with. Apparently we look a lot alike, which I'm starting to realize is a good thing. Because then I can talk to someone who knows exactly what it feels like to be insecure over certain things. Hahah. We get ourselves into stupid situations and we play badmitton like champs. She lets me sing "Hava Nagila" whenever because I'm awesome.
I guess if you're not really close to me you won't understand all of these. Probably if you're not one of them you won't. I'm not saying I don't appreciate all my other friends, honestly there are a lot of people who mean a lot to me. But there aren't many who have stood the test of time and highschool. These people mean the world to me, without them I'd be nowhere. They're all so different, some of them have never even met eachother, but what it comes down to is that they're great people. I've never had people who look out for me like they do.
Okay, I seriously am sleep deficient, so I'm going to attempt rest.
Galatians + bed + rain = hopefullysleeping haha
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